For the 4th time, the Connecticut Twilight League is playing our fantastic summer evening doubleheader under the lights of Dodd Stadium… home of the Connecticut Tigers. Teams representing the Connecticut Twilight League this year are the Glastonbury Pirates, the Willimantic Ridges, the Bristol Knights, and Elmer’s Silver Bullets. This is the second time for each of these teams to play at this fantastic facility since we started this great tradition. Get there early, bring your families and friends and support your team on a great night in early June.

Dodd Stadium CTL Doubleheader
Dodd Stadium, Norwich CT
Thursday June 2nd, 2016
Game 1: Glastonbury Pirates vs Willimantic Ridges @ 6pm
Game 2: Bristol Knights vs Elmer’s Silver Bullets @ 8pm

Support your CT Tigers! Get ticket, see their schedule, and buy CT Tigers gear… here: